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The Big Game and Minnesota medical animators


With football’s biggest competition taking place in Minneapolis this year, the animators at Twin Cities-based Meditech Communications have more than one angle from which to view the game. This team is comprised of pros in the intricacies of behind-the-scenes footage that rarely sees national air time—medical animation that includes, for example, injuries from football and other sports-related injuries.

Take shoulder injuries. In general, “Shoulder instability” is one of the most common injuries in football. In particular, pro American football players may develop a chronic condition with heightened risk of re-injury.

We all know what that tough tackle looks like—the one that makes us wince from our couches. But what about fracture care? Meditech created this animation to highlight the Conventus Cage technology, an exciting evolution to orthopedic fracture fixation that has been designed to address fracture collapse through 3-dimensional intramedullary support. With polyaxial screw placement and locking capabilities, surgical constructs can be customized to meet the demands of a wide variety of periarticular fractures.


Meditech Communications has vast expertise in medical animations ranging from orthopaedics to cardiology, and the team at Meditech challenges expectations to consistently best both local and national competition. Contact us to learn more at 651.636.7350 x100 or